New Website Launching!
Next week, a new website will launch for the President’s Volunteer Service Award, providing streamlined content and navigation, improved ordering and more! More than 500 new organizations have already visited the website and we’re hearing great things. The web address will be https://www.presidentialserviceawards.org/, and you will automatically see this new site if you land on our old site at www.presidentialvolunteerserviceaward.gov.
For Volunteers With Hours Logged on the Existing Website: Must Read and Take Action!
To streamline common customer service issues, increase oversight and enhance ordering for organizations, on the new website, volunteers will no longer be able to create accounts and track their hours. Moving forward, administrators of Certifying Organizations (CO’s) and Leadership Organizations (LO’s) should have volunteers send final information and must be able to certify that the hours reported are accurate. CO’s and LO’s must input these total hours into the site when placing an order. Use this spreadsheet throughout the year to track your organization’s volunteer hours, or send it out to your volunteers as the template to use along with due dates.
Volunteers who have logged hours on the existing website should access the site today and download an excel copy of your hours to date for your records. Below are three easy steps:
- Login at www.presidentialserviceawards.gov
- Click My Service
- Export to CSV
Administrators of Certifying Organizations can also login and download all volunteer hours from the Manage Your Volunteers tab.
Moving forward, be sure to log your own hours throughout the year and communicate with the organization you are volunteering for to understand when they need to turn them in. You can download volunteer hours tracking document here.
Thank you for all that you do for volunteers and check out our new site today!